Dr Ian Brighthope Vitamin C

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Ian E. Brighthope, Professor

OMNS Editorial Review Board

Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine

Email: ian.brighthope@gmail.com
Type of Practice: Nutritional Medicine Research and Development of Innovative Therapies


"do to heal; think no harm"

Professor Ian Brighthope has had a lifelong interest in nature.

He graduated in Agricultural Science in 1965 and then in 1974 graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.

He has travelled widely throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia searching for solutions to the problems created by significant gaps in the medical training of doctors.

The Brighthope Clinics and Biocentres were developed in the 1970's.  They specialised in Nutritional Medicine, Environmental Medicine, intravenous therapies including chelation therapy and herbal medicine.  As chairman of the Australian College of Herbal Medicine, he developed an early interest in cannabis and other controversial herbs.

As founding president of Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) and president for over 26 years, Professor Brighthope pioneered the first post-graduate medical course in nutrition and its related fellowship in Australia.  He is now the official ambassador of ACNEM.

Professor Brighthope has acted as an advocate for doctors practicing Integrative Medicine for over 35 years.  He has had training and extensive experience in Crisis Management, Risk Management and Public/Government Relations.  He has also had extensive experience in the pharmaceutical manufacturing and exporting industry as the managing director of a TGA licensed facility.

In 2001 to 2003, he was President of the Complementary Healthcare Council of Australia, the peak industry body for Complementary Medicines.  He delivered the Telstra National Press Club address in September 2002 on complementary medicines and sustainable health in an ageing population.  Professor Brighthope is now the official ambassador to the peak body Complementary Medicines Australia (CMA)

He appears regularly in China delivering lectures on best health principles in medical practice and keynote addresses to health authorities.  He is currently investigating the production, development and research into medicinal cannabis in the Asian region.

In 2016, Professor Brighthope was given the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Indian Nutritional Medicine Association (INMA) and in 2017, he was awarded an Honorary Fellowship in nutritional and environmental medicine of that Association (FINEM).  He introduced the importance of medicinal cannabis to INMA.

His interest in medicinal cannabis dates back to the early 1980's when he observed his hospital patients detoxing from alcohol, benzos, heroine and other hard drugs doing better when they remained on cannabis to relieve anxiety and pain.  In 1999 and 2000 he witnessed his dear friend and patient the Late Sir William Keys, derive great relief from the unrelenting and excruciating pain caused by extensive mesothelioma, by using cannabis cookies.

In 2017, he initiated the establishment and content of Australia's first RACGP Category 1 CPD points course in medicinal cannabis. This course was a joint effort of NIIM, ACNEM and NICM.

Professor Brighthope's lifelong ambition is to help change the way medicine and healthcare is practiced for the benefit of the public and to see nutrition, nutritional and environmental medicine and herbal medicine become the building blocks and keystones to world health and peace.

Contributions to Orthomolecular Medicine

A founding director of the Orthomolecular Medical Association of Australia

Founding President of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine

Established the first Integrative Medical centres in Australia including the use of HDIVC and chelation therapy

Designed the NEM courses and initiated the FACNEM (Fellowship of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine)

Invited speakers to Australia such as Abram Hoffer, Alexander Schauss, William Philpott, Carl Pfeiffer and others.



Nutritional Medicine – Australian Family Physician 1991.
Vitamin C and Immune Nutrients – Bio Publishing 1985 (Book).
The AIDS Fighters – Keats Publishing 1986 (Book).
Sleep Soundly Every Night Without Drugs – Bay Books – 1988 (Book).
A Recipe for Health – McCulloch – 1989 (Book).
Fighting Fatigue – The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Allen & Unwin 1990 (Book).
A Critical Guide to Nutrition and Dietary Supplements in Disease Management. Churchill Livingston 2003. Jamieson (Contributions).
Lecture Notes on Nutritional Medicine – ACNEM Manual.

Papers and Reviews on the Nutritional Influences in:
Diabetes Asthma
Arthritis Dementia
Rheumatoid Arthritis Cancer
Leukaemia Autoimmune Diseases
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Psychiatric Disorders
Pediatric Disorders Learning and Behaviour Disorders
Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics

Listed in the International Authors and Writers "Who's Who".
National Press Club Telstra Address " Sustainable Health in an Ageing Population".
Regular articles for Australian Pharmacist, National Pharmacy group and many other publications.
FoodMatters feature film and DVD. Appeared as the only Australian in this groundbreaking film, now in over 10 different languages.
The Vitamin Cure For Diabetes – Basic Health Publications 2012 (Book)
The Forces for and Against Health in Australia – OMNS 2012 (Paper)
A chapter in Boundless Plains to Share.
50 Unsung Business Heroes-Purpose Publishing 2015

Dr Ian Brighthope Vitamin C

Source: https://isom.ca/profile/ian-brighthope/